Friday, November 1, 2013

Nakashima Woodworker

Craft in America had an episode on Landscape and featured George and his daughter Mira Nakashima's wood work. The look of their pieces are amazing. 

Their website explains their philosophy on how they work with wood,

"We are left in awe by the nobility of a tree, its eternal patience, its suffering caused by man and sometimes nature, its witness to thousands of years of earth's history, its creations of fabulous beauty. It does nothing but good, with its prodigious ability to serve, it gives off its bounty of oxygen while absorbing gases harmful to other living things. The tree and its pith live on. Its fruits feed us. Its branches shade and protect us. And, finally, when time and weather bring it down, its body offers timber for our houses and boards for our furniture. The tree lives on."

Here is the video from Craft in America.

His designs can be found for purchase on Artsy

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